
Running With Rifle WiKi Redesign

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The original RWR wiki website’s table design was not mobile-friendly. As a result, the website was difficult to use on smartphones and other small devices. To address this issue, I rewrote the entire website using a more mobile-friendly design. This new design makes it easier for users to access and use the information on the website, regardless of the device they are using.

Responsive design

The new website is responsive, which means that it will automatically adjust its layout to fit the screen size of the device being used. This makes it easier for users to view the website on smartphones and other small devices.

Mobile-friendly tables

The tables on the website have been redesigned to be more mobile-friendly. This includes using smaller fonts and making sure that the tables can be easily scrolled on a touchscreen device. Additionally, a fixed table header has been implemented to allow for smooth and continuous reading even when scrolling.


Integration of the DataTables plugin.

Currently supports basic sorting ,pagination ,andfiltering .

Using a fixed table header makes reading more smooth and efficient.

1.1.0 Add comparison tool

Now you can easily compare the stats of two guns side-by-side, without affecting the original search function.

1.2.0 Add Global Search

Now you can cross-reference information on different types of guns

1.3.0 Custom search boxes

Users can now customize the number of search boxes. ( maximum : 5)


Website Link


Project Link



This project is published under MIT License.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.